NEBA Field Trip – Wednesday, February 22, 2023
Notes by Marie Canaves
In attendance from left to right: Gwendolyn Holbrow, Becky Behar, Ruth Ginsberg-Place, Marie Canaves, Sally Chapman, Ruth Rogers, Laura Blacklow, Stephanie Stigliano, Gail Hansen, Carolyn Letvin, and Cristina Hajosy (photographing).
On a cool winter’s day in February, NEBA members visited world-renowned Wellesley College, just outside of Boston. The group had been invited to the Margaret Clapp Library, the beating heart of Wellesley College’s library system. Named after the College’s eighth president and Pulitzer prize-winning author, it was built in 1909-1910 and houses over one million volumes. To visit the campus, with its medieval-inspired architecture and exquisite landscaping, was to enter a rarefied world of learning and culture.
Upon their arrival, NEBA members were warmly greeted by the staff and librarians. They were then led to a honey-colored, wood-paneled room in which Ruth Rogers regaled them – for more than an hour with an in-depth presentation of a broad range of artist’s books. And the group members had the rare privilege of handling each and every one of them.
Her enthusiasm for book arts was a joy to behold!
Drawing from her vast knowledge and decades-long experience as the Curator of Special Collections, Ruth explained what she looks for when purchasing a book for an academic setting. In particular, she emphasized depth of content as well as skilled execution of craft. She also addressed practical matters such as the importance of boxes and slipcases to facilitate handling and storage.
Here’s a partial list of all the wonderful artists’ books we were able to enjoy:
Eyes over 40 by NEBA member, Rebecca Goodale
Poisonous pedagogy : a puzzle book by Jennifer Schulman
Pandora’s box / Kurt Vonnegut by Peter and Donna Thomas
All sorts co-produced by Emily Martin and Ellen Knudson
Unclothing by Allison Cooke Brown
The Veil by Julie Chen
Ode to a Grand Staircase (For Four Hands) by Flying Fish Press with Julie Chen, Barbara Tetenbaum and Eric Satie
Bluebird, by Heywon Jang with text by Charles Bukowski
Radioactive Substances by Susan Kae Grant
It is bitter to leave your home. by Romano Hanni

The Margaret Clapp Library
Wellesley College
106 Central St., Wellesley, MA
This most stimulating experience inevitably opened the group’s appetite in both a metaphorical and physical level. There were so many wonderful books to think about and discuss. No small wonder then, that after Ruth concluded her presentation, the group headed to a nearby Mexican restaurant where they enjoyed a delicious meal, lively conversation, and became acquainted with Wellesley alumna and photo-based artist Becky Behar. Becky had become so interested in NEBA that – as the group was gratified to learn – she promptly became its latest member right then and there!
Thanks to Sally Chapman for organizing this fantastic NEBA Field Trip.