We began our meeting by welcoming new members and sharing the excitement about our NEBA table at upcoming Book Bazaar at the USM in Portland. We thanked Ania Gilmore for her work collecting Member Packets, input on Bylaws and on Logo, Cristina Hajosy for her work on the Member Packets and Bylaws, Nancer Ballantine-Ballard for reviewing the Bylaws/Incorporation/Tax Status options and Marie Canaves, our fearless leader for all she does.
Let’s give a round of virtual applause to Ksenia Pryme, NEBA member, Marketing Coordinator of Coastal Engineering on Cape Cod, and Graphic Designer par excellence! She’s made three versions of her logo design for us. Heartfelt thanks to Ksenia, for so graciously volunteering to create what is the perfect logo for us. It’s not only highly original, but also delightfully whimsical, visually engaging, and conveys a wonderful sense of refinement. She succeeded in expressing who we are with both elegance and succinctness. And her hard work and creative vision has provided us with a visual identity that we’ll proudly embrace – from this point forward – in all of our publications and publicity materials. We owe her a huge debt of gratitude.
Discussions about next steps:
• Approval of Incorporation
• Vote on Incorporation status (profit, not-for-profit, 501(c))
• Bylaws
• Waivers (signing forms waiving liability)
• Nominations for Executive Board & Committees
• Financial Report
NEBA’s Domain name was purchased: