Artist Member
Bits and Bobs
Fifth Grade Reader
Long Ago
Anne McMillan 
@annemcmillanart on Instagram
Anne is a mixed media, book, and fiber artist residing in New Hampshire. She uses printing methods, collage, found objects and natural dyes in her art to convey a story. Her work is an eclectic mix of her life reflecting on past, present and future. Each piece is a time capsule of life, a memory, and a story to be told. She is constantly exploring different techniques, book structures and materials, finding ways to combine them into her art.
She has taught and shown her work locally and is a recipient of the SDA Award of Excellence. When not making books, you can find her spinning wool, rug hooking or traveling. Her life in New England, educational and travel experiences have fostered her love of the traditional arts.
I am a mixed media, book, and fiber artist. A collector of found objects that I use as inspiration for my work by incorporating them into books, using them to convey a story. My art is an eclectic mix of my life reflecting where I have been and where I want to go. Each piece being almost like a time capsule of my life and others, a memory, and a story I want to tell. I am constantly exploring different techniques and finding ways to combine them into books that reflect the materials used. Taking something that was once discarded or from the past and capturing it in a book is my ultimate goal. To be able to hold that work and interact with it so it becomes an object for the senses to experience.