Artist Member
Fruit and Veggies Papyrus
Garden Herbs
Cyanotype Tea Bags
Laurel Rogers
Passionato Books
@passionatobooks on Instagram
I am a collage and book artist. My books range from traditional to unique works of art. Traditional books are sewn with a Coptic Binding and are sized for your pocket, a briefcase and gallery installations. The covers are composed of my own marbled papers, paste papers, handmade papers, Japanese or a variety of design paper. The books are sewn with linen thread and the wonderful feature of Coptic Books is that they open completely flat for easy drawing or writing.
My artist books take the idea of a “book” and use it to create a whimsical work of art. My artist books range from book sculptures, altered books, or folded book creations.
I have been accepted into many juried craft fairs and galleries in Boston and after moving to Western Mass., I have sold my journals at Big Brother Big Sister Craft Fairs, Great Barrington, Makers Market, Click Workspace, and Northampton Book Festival. Artist books have also shown in VT, CO, MI, Boston and Western MA.
I use my musical background as a cellist to draw inspiration for upcoming projects. The book takes center stage as a performer in motion.
Currently living in Northampton, MA
In creating an artist book my aims are to explore the boundary of book space. In one of my books – “Light at the End of the Tunnel”- the observer is drawn to peek through the hole in the cover; a hint of discovery beneath each page. Other works include accordion books or other folded book styles, my fanciful “Book Lovers Series”, and three-dimensional sculptural books. “Captured Memories”, made from wire mesh dipped in flax pulp, signifies a cage where memories are held within a teacup. This book was featured in the March 2013 Boston Museum of Fine Arts newsletter. “Book Lovers” was shown in last year’s Northampton Biennial Art Exhibition, Playing with Texture in Amherst and a Joomchi piece in Turners Falls.
Taking different workshops I incorporate new techniques, such as paper making, marbling, Korean Joomchi, paper sculpture, or paper weaving for new artist book ideas.