Artist Member
Buttonhole Stitch Books
6 ¾ h x 5” w
Paste paper, lined paper, book board, thread
Leather Journal
6 ¾ h x 5” w
Leather, lined paper, thread, brass button stud
6 h x 21 w x 13” d
Eco prints, gold thread, paper
Suzette Durso 
I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Boston University and a Masters of Arts from Mass College of Art. I sell my work at juried craft fairs and have had my work on exhibit at local galleries: Concord Center for Visual Arts, 6 Bridges, Twist Gallery, Danforth Art Museum, Belmont Gallery of Art and two National Juried shows at The Attleboro Arts Museum.
My love for making books started when I was teaching high school art and noticed that the one project my students always took home was their handmade book. There is something precious about a book.
I retired eight years ago and have been making books ever since. Most of my books are covered with my paste paper and marbled paper where I use bright colors, texture and layering. This past year I have been experimenting a lot with eco printing and have gained an extra appreciation of all the subtle colors of the leaves after they have been steamed and then printed on paper.
Recently I have expanded my art to making “book like sculptures” and mixed media collages where I use my own decorative papers. In these pieces they are more personal using subjects that I love like nature and birds or subjects I have strong feelings for like family, health and relationships.