Wish You Were Here artists present their postcards and artist’s books during this Zoom-based show and tell series.
It was lovely to see the artist’s books in action with live interactions and more angles of view. The artists shared their process and book details. Hearing about the personal connections within their WYWH groups and the continued inspirations of the participants has been wonderful.
Jie Tian (SDBA) shares her postcard art process utilizing botanicals.WYWH Sharing 1
Friday, Aug 27, 2021, 10:00 am PT on Zoom
Host: Laurie Moorhead (SDBA)
Artists Sharing: Laurel Moorhead (SDBA), Virginia Phelps (BABA), Gina Pisello (SDBA), Karen O’Neal (SDBA), Vicky DeLong (SDBA), Susan Agnew (PaperWorks), Jie Tian (SDBA), Charlotte Carpentier (SDBA), and Bonnie Thompson Norman (PSBA)

WYWH Sharing 2
Saturday, Aug 28, 2021, 1:00 pm PT on Zoom
Host: Bobbie Wilson (Paperworks)
Artists Sharing: Bobbie Wilson (PaperWorks), Judy Bjorling (PaperWorks), Kathy Dannerbeck (PaperWorks), Carolyn Letvin (NEBA), Elsi Vassdal Ellis (PSBA), Connie Teeple (PaperWorks), Connie Kampsula (PaperWorks), and Denise Stephenson (SDBA)

WYWH Sharing 3
Wednesday, Sept 1, 2021 9:00 am PT on Zoom
Host: Amy Thompson West (SFBAG)
Artists Sharing: Amy Thompson West (SFBAG), Toni Kilcoyne (BABA), Liz Bailey Nania (NEBA), Douglass Rankin (SFBAG), Mary Elizabeth (Emmy) Nelson (NORBAG/SFBAG), Rosie Arenas (NORBAG), Pamela Marrett (SDBA), Roberta Warshaw (PaperWorks), and Vicki Donkersley (PaperWorks)

WYWH Sharing 4
Thursday, Sep 2, 2021, 1:00 pm PT on Zoom
Host: Laurie Moorhead (SDBA)
Artists Sharing: Krista Neis (PaperWorks), Maria Dolores Bolivar (SDBA), Rebecca Ganz (PaperWorks), Geri Michelli (SFBAG), Dorothy McCuistion (PSBA), Katherine Niven (BABA), Maria Rebelo (SDBA), Barbara Ruys (SDBA), and Connie Woodhead (SDBA)

WYWH Sharing 5
Tuesday, Sept 7, 2021 4:00 p.m. PT on Zoom
Host: Becky Frehse (PSBA)
Artists Sharing: Becky Frehse (PSBA), Jan Dove (PSBA), Debbie Gerrish (SDBA), Gail Murray (SFBAG), Lynne Olson (PSBA), Elissa Campbell (NEBA), Nancer Ballard (NEBA), Diane Chesire (PaperWorks), and Nancy Kazanjian (SDBA)
View Video SOON!
Nancer Ballard (NEBA) shares her postcards and artist’s bookWYWH Sharing 6
Wednesday, Sept 8, 2021 4:00 p.m. PT on Zoom
Host: Lorraine Crowder (BABA)
Artists Sharing: Lorraine Crowder (BABA), Cristina Hajosy (NEBA), Jessie Wing (PSBA), Karen Beery (SDBA), Fran McReynolds (NORBAG), Alice Stanne (NEBA), Rochelle Gandour-Rood (PSBA), Yvonne Perez-Collins (SDBA), and Alice Apley (NEBA)

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