Special Thanks to all the volunteer leaders of this project!
Laurel Moorhead (SDBA), WYWH Project Administrator
Organizing Committees:
- Linda Royster Cook
- Pamela Marrett
- Barbara Mortkowitz
- Gina Pisello
- Debbie Gerrish
- Andrea Factor
- Suz Weese
- Carrie Imai
- Jamila Rufaro
- Virginia Phelps
- Lorraine Crowder
North Redwoods Book Arts Guild (NORBAG)
Edge Gerring

- Bobbie Wilson
- Krista Neis
Puget Sound Book Artists (PSBA)
- Becky Frehse
- Mari Eckstein Gower
- Jan Dove
Santa Fe Book Arts Group (SFBAG)
- Linda Zwick
- Carol Pava
- Amy Thompson West
New England Book Artists (NEBA)
- Susan Marsh
- Cristina Hajosy